My EB Window-Friend (not Jameson, the other EB W-F) just informed me that his former employee who I met a few times and flirted with over the phone has just been chosen as one of Cosmo's most Eligible Men in the US. Of course, now the guy lives in Mississippi (I had to say the little chant to remember how to spell it) where I'm sure the number of hot guys is significantly less than CA. So his odds were better after moving...Anyway, this makes the second Cosmo chosen guy that I have met prior to their making the list. The first was at the wedding of B&J ("Costa Rica Chica, do you even remember my wedding?" sigh) where he was sitting at my table. The cousin of B, I had no idea I was so close to eligible hotness. Would I have been more on point if I had known? (Could I have been anymore on? Hmm. A question for the ages. Could be answered perhaps by the closet I slept in and thought my brother had locked me in using the ingenious ironing board to keep me in. We didn't see much of those around our house growing up. Obviously I was scared...) And the only thing that leaps out about Mr. Man in my memory now is that he was wearing a pink tie.
Anyway, this is Joe Kuhner. And he was this good looking if not more so in person. And I met him mid-workout, and he was still hot. Now he apparently teaches math because, "I decided to teach because I love explaining things. I'm also a kid at heart." Maybe teaching high school would be tolerable if your co-workers looked like this guy. Hmmm.
On the positive side of things, my weekend was full of eye candy and good times. Met the lovely Eden at last, and all is well with the G-man Gang. They actually didn't look tired or anything, and walked out to see me in GG Park during my tourney, which went quite well. Re-lived our Night Train Nazi story which Daddi-o found very amusing. Got to hold the little one. All was well...I was sitting with her kind laying on my legs with her head (supported by my hands) by my knees facing me. All of a sudden there was a noise from the diaper area, and I ehmm, dropped her head. Luckily my knees were there to catch it. Tip for other baby holders out there..Dropping a newborns head does not go over all that well. They were nice about it, but there was definitely a lioness look to Sniffilious that was new. Kinda like how she would look if you made fun Rascal back in the day...but much more so.
Tourney was good...Hot enough that the hot guys just HAD to play with their shirts off. Lost in the finals, but the play all day was good. Dinner was made by Lids in the city, and today we hit the Delta for a last hurrah.
ALMOST CLEARED THE WAKE! Next season I'm sure to get it. Stupid tongue was all over the place. Luckily, no cameras were in sight. I really need to figure a different way to concentrate. Something cuter like picking my nose maybe...
Now if only my shoulder will hold out. Damn bursitits! That's how you spell it by the way. Did you know that the bursa is the area between your bones and your tendons? Well, the bursa in my right shoulder is rather inflamed and angry. The scrip is to do nothing, but I'm having a hard time following orders...
Last thing...topic of what "your passion" is came up on the boat today, and then became if you could have any profession, what would you do? Lids would do carpentry, Jameson said a guitarist in a band, and I said a politician. Which was mocked as me wanting power or control. Do I really seem that power or control fixated? (Like being a rock star didn't have more than a smidge to do with having groupies...but that wasn't mocked.) I had actually always assumed I'd go into politics at some point, but then having the fun stuff you did in college slung at you like mud...and well, there is a fair amount of that (all photographed and albumed by Manoa Missy) out there. But I don't think I have a passion. I like a lot of things, I'm fairly good at most things, but it's not like one ring controls all the others (ie LOTR). Do most people have a passion (or a precious)? I thought I had hobbies. Passion to me is Tiger Woods with golf. M Townie might be that way with poker, which makes beating him at his passion the other night kinda doubly satisifying.
That's it! My passion is crushing other people's passions. I think that's why I enjoy catching bouquets so much. The other girls really want it to get married. And I just want it so no one else will get it. If they didn't want it so bad, it wouldn't be any fun. Gee, that isn't much of a passion, though it does make sense. Hmm. I guess that kinda makes me a bitch. Well, maybe if when I beat them, I do my best not to smirk. Yes, that's what I'll do. Then I'll just be the talented girl who screams at inappropriate times. And that's enough of a cross for any one woman.
I think you should invest in some velcro gloves--the babes, the bouquets, and the babies would all be frimly within your grasp.
Mingle boxed you out at my wedding...although after "dirty dancing" with my dad I think it was a smart move to go easy on the bouquet.
The tango is not a dirty dance...and as I recall, your dad was leading. Or maybe just following the rose in my teeth.
I guess velcro would be good for gloves...if only I didn't hate wearing bidning things on my hands and feet. Hence the lack of socks and closed toed shoes in my closet.
"My passion is crushing other people's passions." -- I've been waiting thirty some-odd years to hear you say that. My passion is trying to get the Foff parents to like me more then their daughter. ;)
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