Monday, October 09, 2006


So for those of you out there who know Sniffy, I got an email that she thinks she may be having contractions that are the real deal. She sent the message at 5:30 AM. She is my first friend that I've kind of grown up with that is having a kid and that I've lived through the whole marriage, preggo experience with...well, there were others, but they were in high school, were older or of a different religious persuasion that made all that happen sooner. It's really surreal for me, so it has to be bizarro world for her.

Speaking of Bizzaro World...the Brother had a poker party this weekend. I was pretty thrilled with my performance. Won one, top two in the tohers, which we diddn't play out to expedite the process...) The younger Townie seemed less than thrilled and more stupefied (like in Harry Potter). Sure, some of the times I stayed in, perhaps I shouldn't have...but when you're the big blind, and your 3 and 8 pair up on the flop, you're staying, right? Even with a strong flush draw on the table. I wonder if playing poker with someone like me (for someone like Townie who knows what is what) is like playing blackjack with a shmoo at third base in a casino.

Some awful person I work with has been stealing Coffeemate creamer all month. It didn't bother me, once in a while sure, but on a regular basis? Bitch, buy your own! Then today, I come in, and my cream is gone...the bitch finished it off and threw it away! Can you believe that??!?! I left a bitchy note on the board in the lounge. It was artfully crafted to be sure, but pleasantly sharp. Can you imagine doing that? Pretty stinky. Especially when I am jonesing for coffee big time.


Kid said...

Q: Why do all your posts have a sexual hook? Just curious.


*Sniffy - At first I thought my wife called you. I didn't wake up unitl 7:30 this AM. I'm sure the real Sniffy is having the time of her life right now.

**Elbow - Nice call. Lol.

***Coffeemate - I'd pay money to see a copy of your note. Does your schoool have security camera's in the t lounge?

Costa Rica Chica said...

Define "all". You made me paranoid, so I went back to review. None on that page have anything even vaguely sexual happening. Unless my apartment stinks is a cleaver euphenism. Which it's not...

Kid said...

your neighbors silly...