Sunday, October 02, 2005

Wedding Aftermath

So B is now married and on a fabulous honeymoon in Tahiti. Wedding and afterparty were great...the Sunday following was a bit tough, but I did make it to the Aquarium to eat lunch, color, and watch a magic show with the H family. Oh, and then look at animals. It was great to see everyone and officially become an aunt/sister-in-law.

This week's high/lowlight was when the other teacher in my class was flipped off by a five year old in her class. I ended up handling it, but did receive a fun suggestion from a dear friend of a more appropriate/direct kind of letter...see below.

Mr. and Mrs. Little Johnny,
This morning I saw your little fucker flip off his teacher. What are you teaching this kid that he thinks this is acceptable behavior? Do you allow him to kill small kittens and light fires on neighbor's porches as well? Well, it is time to pull your collective heads from your collective ASSES and be a parent. Beat this little bastard's ass until it is pink so he understands where the line is in the sand.
Lovingly, Miss F

I didn't go with that, but it will stay on file for another time.

1 comment:

sactownkid said...

Can't believe the Ace is banded and branded a husband for life. Has it already been a year of engagement? My how time flies. Congrats on becoming an auntie/sister in law!