Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'm Sorry, But I Have to Report That...

So I'm reading a story about farm animals today (no jokes at Brad's expense peanut gallery) and this charming child shouts out, "I see a cow." I asked him to be quiet, and he follows it up by saying, "My mom hit me in the face yesterday and my nose wouldn't stop bleeding." Umm. Ok, next page.

This threw me for a loop because the kid doesn't strike me as terrible honest, and it was just weird how he said it. But teachers are required to report that kind of stuff to Child Protective Services. So I was in a little quandary. I decided to talk to him one on one, and found out his mom hit him on accident with her purse, which made his nose bleed. So fortunately, no reporting necessary, and hopefully, all is well in his house. Those of you with kids may want to be aware of the little stories your kids tell at school. True, just slightly wrong.

Later I had to draw a cow to model journal writing and in trying to draw 4 legs, I put a 5th small one that was quite phallic like. I quickly made an adjustment, and finished my picture with a nicely neutered steer. I think that after telling Magoo my horse STD story on Saturday, I had a Freudian slip of the crayon. (It was an internship, and its another classic KF story. It requires an in-person rendition, which I'm happy to share if you haven't heard.)

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