Sunday, October 09, 2005

You like what?

So progress reports need to be done by Wednesday, so on Friday I was testing the kids in my class while the other teacher read a story and then modeled journal writing. The topic was to write about their favorite food. At this point, they only know a few sight words (I, and, my, like, etc.), and 16 sounds, so their writing consists of only the letters they have learned thus far. So she is asking them what their favorite foods are and this boy says cookies, and she ends up writing on the board, "I like coks." I looked up and could not stop laughing. She quickly erased it and wrote pizza instead.

Yesterday was just a great day from start to finish. Played in the tourney on Saturday with Loren, Bill and Edith. We ended up losing in the 2nd round of the play-offs against the team that won the whole thing. It was a great day. Somehow we ended up in a sunny, almost completely wind free area of SF. Just gorgeous. Love, love, love that tournament. Saw Gustavo again, who I haven't seen since the spring tourney that we played in together. Love that guy. He is from Peru, and played professionally down there. And he couldn't be better looking. *sigh* After the tourney, went to B&J's, hit the hot tub, had a great dinner, drank copious bottles of wine, played hearts, watched a movie and rolled into bed with a snoring pug around 3 a.m. Good times...

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