Friday, September 22, 2006

Oh Shit! Oceans!

So this is the start of my third year in kindergarten. I really feel like I've got the grade dialed pretty nicely, and things are flowing well. I know where they need to be by the end of the year, and how to utilize parents and volunteers so they do as much of my job as I can give them. Which is nice...

No, I don't do a newsletter a week, but I talk to parents and the kids each morning and afternoon about what they will do each day, so the parents always know and can practice at home. (doing a little bit of my job--see!) We have these little sayings for each letter and number..."over the rainbow, down the slide, two, two, two..." And "One is fun" (but two is better)--SS, the other teacher likes to add that last part.

Year started kinda crazy. Last year--90 kindergarteners. This year, 140. So we've added new people, including a former second grade teacher that I have become a mentor for. She watches me sing, dance, and teach in the afternoon then does a repeat performance for her class the next day. I have the usual group of students who don't speak the English, but overall, I'm sure they'll end up fine. This one kid runs around like a tank, He is very short, but kinda built like a sack of rice--one of those big bags from the Asian aisle in the supermarket. I tried to lift him on to the monkey bars, and let's say, it was a struggle.

Then today, we were working on the number three, and I held up a paper, and I hear this kid say, "Oh shit." "What?" I quickly asked. And he repeated himself, pointing to the paper. So I looked at it and realized there were OCEAN animals on it. Oh. That's different. Nevermind.

1 comment:

Swiss Miss said...

Glad to see your year is starting off right! I love the stories of the kids... they say the darndest things... :)