Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've Been Served

So I got the subpoena at work today. For those of you interested, it apparently looks just like the subpoena you get when you're getting said one witness to mys being served. It was for a car accident I was in four years ago. I was sitting in a parked car and this chick hit me. I think she is saying this wasn't her fault. I am interested to see how that can POSSIBLY be. Generally I am up for litstening and can see both sides, but not at all in this case.

Oh, and a loyal reader and fellow blogger gave me the heads up that my before and after blog of the long hair was mean-spirited. The only reason I put it was to share my surprise at seeing the copious amounts of hair that greeted me at the door. Otherwise people might ahve thought it was long hair a la the Kid. I'm not sure if I have a reputation as someone who tells tall tales, so I thought that would clarify things.

Anyone know where I could get a porn movie to rent? I don't want to buy one, but our bachelorette wants one night of quiet in watching a movie. so you know someone has to bring a nudie pic. I don't think there is one I'd buy--other than a movie star one. But they all seem to be banned...damn it all!

Well, nighty-night. I'm pooped. All work and no naps makes CR Chica a dull girl.

1 comment:

sactownkid said...

Wowsers, do even blogs have to be PC these days? Anyhoo, can't help you out on the porn, but I'd check a seedier movie rental place. The only reason I suggest is this is because of my former life as a video clerk when I was 16 and had to serve customers on Rent-3-4-2 Night. Guess what genre most male customers locked onto?!

Or maybe netflix?