So I have to say that I hoped they'd buck the trend. Pam Anderson and Kid Rock that is. I feel like I was practically at their wedding since we were in the South of France at the same time, and I was oogling over boats similar to the one that they got married on. Alas, after less than four months, it is over. (I can't believe it was four months ago that I was there by the by.) However, this does up the chance that I can be Kid Rock's groupie and get that name checked off my island list. Love the wife beaters, you know! *the shirts that is!
Turkey time was great. Tuesday we had a feast at school for the chittlings. Consisted of Oscar Mayer Turkey slices, bread, carrots, celery, a variety of fruit and glasses of milk, followed by pumpkin pie. They were thrilled. My favorite part were the Pilgrim hats I made them. The kids initially thought that Pirates started Thanksgiving, and it was only after the hat intro they got the difference. Damn Cap'n Jack Sparrow for the confusion!
The hats thing made me think of Clueless were Dionne is talking about how her wedding will have a nautical theme and all the bridesmaids will wear little sailor hats and outfits. I think I'd have a pilgrim wedding. That'd be unique. No one would forget that. Or go come to think of it. Wait, the Pilgrims drank. So yep, my friends would be there!
Had a delightful dinner with Darryl and CC this weekend. They got a china cabinet recently, and I have to say, I'm a big fan. If you're going to get the good stuff, you should display it. Their's is gorgeous and quite classy. And can I just say for the record, those people can cook!
Here is my funny youtube for the day...10 minutes long. Ali G interviewing Posh Spice and David Beckham. Made me laugh...of course, I can't link to it now due to the damn filiter at work. Damn this productivity/no porn allowed! :)
I saw you twice over the holiday weekend and you go with the China cabnet story? How bout doggin with "wheels", the other pug, Henry, Chuckie, Brad's Kick me dog and Jazzi. Geeze!!!!!!!!!!
Unbelievable!!!! I just saw the sad news this morning and I can't believe it.
The biggest thing I can't believe is it's been a whole four months! It seems just like yesterday.
And kid... stop being so sensitive! ;)
I'm a sensitive creature. Pam has hep A...gross.
I thought it was Hep C - even grosser?
TB - I agree with Kid... should have went with "wheels"
Yeah...Hep C...nice to see OB1 out here. Goodtimes!
Did you see that Eminem and Kim are splitting up too?!?
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