Thursday, February 23, 2006

It's Hard to be Fabolous...

So when I left off--more than two months ago, I promised a tell-all of the great Hooters trip of '05. So much delayed--here you go!
The fun all started because I took the train up. The instant I sat down, this guy started talking to me, and when the train started, he said, "you don't mind do you?" and sat down next to me. On an empty train! He was nice enough, and it ended 90 minutes later when he gave me his card and told me how "you can't have enough friends" and we should go out for coffee sometime. Ok, this guy was in his 50s, easy. And thanks, but I have enough friends in their 50s. They're called my parents...

But the highlight of the weekend was Saturday and hitting Hooters. (You shouldn't actually hit hooters by the way:) Big, fun group and we hung out there for a while. The waitresses were really something. Every 10 minutes or so, they would do a different cheer and get some guys up to do it with them. The one I remember went something like "peal the apple, peal the banana, squeeze the orange." For the first part they would do a little dance move, and the squeeze part they would start hugging customers and jiggling. It was pretty funny. A lot of the guys were 19 and they were really enjoying it. Kristin and I both left with shirts, and I don't know what it is, but we took some pictures later in them, and our tits look huge! Love that! I had a discussion with K's brother that I would kill her for having with mine, and later we went with him to play poker and look at Penis performance art.
This was kind of odd...I went to the dentist and had the strangest hygienist. Apparently, I need to change my lifestyle to fit in flossing, because otherwise, I can get heart disease. (Diet, exercise--for schmucks! Flossing--that's the ticket!) Then after she cleaned my bottom teeth, she said, "Well, we're three-quarters done". Um, no, I think that's half.

Christmas was good to the Foss Fam this year. I did pretty well in gift giving. The cousins loved the Atari game (30 classic games!)…and their parents did too! My parents are always very generous with clothes, books and household supplies. B, E & Z gave me a Kate Spade bag, face cleansing system (what's he trying to say?), Gone with the Wind and To Kill a Mockingbird. (He always gives great gifts). I have wanted those books because my copies are tattered, torn and have been dropped in a lake or two. A very nice xmas!!

The school year has been good and bad. Nice class, but lots of kids in and out, so that makes it tough. I do enjoy it everyday, and have only had one day that I really didn't want to go to work. I think it had something to do with the cold weather, and my desire to just stay in bed.

I have this week off, so I spent a few days playing and hanging out in the city. I discovered that I am in fact the best Donkey Kong player in SF. (You can check the score at the metreon for KVF). This is of course unless (as I am beginnning to suspect) they unplug the machines every night so that everyone can be on the high score board (however briefly).

Finishing up the thesis this week, so I will soon be the master of my domain. And yours as well. I'm hoping that this will be the thing I need to make me become a really efficient, tidy and non-late person. Or will I think, I have a Masters, those are problems for the little people? Hmmm.

Two things you should check out...the DVDs of House and Lost. Love them both. Have to say I am a big Sawyer fan on lost. i love the unethical con man who is really hot and silently tortured by his past. Even hot when he was getting tortured. I wish they'd show more of him. Kinda like Angel from the good Buffy days.

I'm off to eat lunch and then worry more over my paper. I just had a flash of brilliance--and it makes me happy that I'm at the bottom of it all, a pretty fickle person. You know how you can be really bummed about one thing, but then you realize a small thing about that thing of that person, and suddenly you realize, HA! I don't need this crap! I just had that moment. So I'm going to say fuck off Liu! I don't need you or your thoughts in my paper! That ought to take off a few hours of work! yeah!

Feeling better already! Freedom (almost!)


Mrs Mingle said...

As I'm reading your blog I realize that I have a dentist appointment in 2 hours. At the same place you go to. Suddenly I'm worried about my heart. Does anyone have any floss?

sactownkid said...

So many comments, so little time.

Funny, I heard the "peel the banana" song LAST NIGHT at a bar (no joke) by a substitute elementary school teacher. She uses it calm down her class and help them feel involved. I wonder if she works at Hooters the rest of the time?

Next, I would have signed up for a master's YEARS ago if it meant I'd have the being-on-time thing down. Suffice it to say I'm confident you will have a masters and little problems like time won't matter so much. But you'll worry about the little people managing it for you, because they're tricky!

I am naming my first-born Sawyer. And if he looks anything like the guy on Lost, God help us all.

I am SO with you on realizing people aren't worth the spit on your shoe. So spit spit spit on he-who-shall-not-be-named and his 2nd-grade trivial-pursuit reading level! :)

THANK GOD you updated this. Finally.

Costa Rica Chica said...

Thanks...its good to be back in the game. I loved reading your updates today. And it felt good to write again about something other than total academic BS. And its fun to remember the good times.

Meggie--ask for the dentist..I hate the hygenist. She's awful.

sactown--question reading hogs that are bad readers should be scrapped off one's shoe. That inspires me for my next update. God, what I won't do to avoid writing a paper...

Kid said...

I love Hooters! Nice to see a couple of young ladies supporting breast causes.

Buffy rules!

How bout you actually write your Thesis. I'm tired of you moaning and groaning about it.

Manoa Missy said...

I have been feeling superior because at least there was one person (you) behind in the postings as I have been...and now I see that you've come back with avengance.

I love it, the fuit and everthing.

Swiss Miss said...

Hey there Chica! I'm thrilled to see you are writing again! :)